KLab Inc. Information Security Policy

KLab Inc. Information Security Policy

KLab Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") recognizes that it is an important social responsibility to manage information in order to meet the trust of its customers, business partners, and all those related to the Company, as well as to ensure that its customers can use the services with confidence. Based on this recognition, the Company has established the following information security policy for the purpose of protecting and managing the information assets it holds.

1. Establishment of Information Security Measures Management System

The Company will establish a management system to smoothly operate information security measures.

2. Management and Protection of Information Assets

The Company identifies important information assets and their managers and implements appropriate information security measures.

3. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

The Company complies with laws and regulations regarding information security.

4. Strengthening of Management System for Subcontractors

The Company will thoroughly examine the suitability of subcontractors to ensure an appropriate level of security, as necessary when outsourcing.

5. Implementation of Training

The Company will continue to provide information security training and information sharing to management, employees, and related parties.

6. Continuous Improvement

The Company will regularly confirm that this information security policy is being complied with and will continually improve its information security measures.