
KLab Creates Venture Capital Subsidiary, “KLab Venture Partners Co., Ltd.”

KLab Inc.(TSE Prime Market: 3656)

Tokyo, Japan – October 21, 2015 – KLab Inc., a leader in online mobile games, announced the creation of a new venture capital subsidiary entitled “KLab Venture Partners Co., Ltd” (KVP). The decision to establish the new company was reached at the executive board meeting which was held today.

In December 2011, KLab and SBI Holdings co-founded a joint enterprise called KLab Ventures (KV). KV has invested in 14 domestic and international companies to date, all of which have succeeded in raising the necessary funds in the second stage of the venture capital process. Three of the companies KLab Ventures has invested in have successfully exited the venture system, leaving the company with an outstanding track record of profitable investments.

Sourcing efforts from KLab Group’s international subsidiaries and the assistance from KLab’s engineering departments have contributed to increasing accessibility to KLab Group’s resources. In addition to the strong network of available resources, the newly established KLab Venture Partners was founded as a wholly owned subsidiary of KLab Inc. in efforts to take its venture capital business to the next level. Within the year, KLab Venture Partners aims to hire additional staff members and establish new funds so it can concentrate on finding new investment opportunities.

KLab Venture Partners

Investment Strategies

KLab Venture Partner’s investment strategies are outlined as below.

Investment Stage: KVP will target internet-based companies in the Seed and Early Stages of the venture capital ladder. The company will especially focus on recently-founded venture enterprises still in the Seed Stage.

Target Market: KVP will target venture companies planning to develop internet-based businesses.

Investment Regions: While focusing on companies in Japan, KVP will also seek out ventures in America and Southeast Asia for investment opportunities. The subsidiary has set up teams in KLab’s overseas offices located in San Francisco and Manila which will work together with local staff to create additional opportunities for investment.

Support Strategy: KVP aims to add value to venture capital companies. Most ventures lack funds in the period immediately following their creation. KLab Venture Partners plans to link KLab Group’s resources with startups, providing continued support after the initial investment is made. The main focus of the support will be development consulting via in-house engineers, sales help, backup for forays into international markets, and management assistance.

New Positions

KLab Venture Partners plans to add new staff members to help drive its venture capital business. Further details concerning recruitment information can be found on the company’s website.

Overview of KLab Venture Partners

Company Name:
KLab Venture Partners Co., Ltd.
President and CEO:
Hirokazu Nagano
October 21, 2015
JPY 10 million
Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, 6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 106-6122
Venture capital fund operation targeting Seed and Early Stage internet startups
KLab Inc. (100%)


KLab Venture Partners Co., Ltd.

* All trademarks and names of companies, products, and services are the property of their respective owners.

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